This blog is all about sharing spiritual revelations given during practical motherhood moments- funny, frustrating, fearful, fantastical, and faith-building moments!
Welcome to Mercy Moments Blog! My name is Morgan and I’m a new mom to a wonderful little girl named Merci. Please note this is not a parenting tip blog. Because I am brand new, I am no expert on this motherhood journey. However, It has been an amazing first year and I’ve learned so much about parenting, Merci, about myself, and most definitely about God. Yes, God! I had no idea how the Lord would use my little girl to deepen and widen my understanding of His love for us all. There are many ways where the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to those who want to hear it. In my case, it was often while trying to get my daughter to lay still while changing a diaper, or her first doctor’s visit, or during her tummy times and story time. This blog is all about sharing those spiritual revelations given during practical motherhood moments- funny, frustrating, fearful, fantastical, and faith-building moments. Who is this blog for? It’s for you- woman, man, mother, auntie, grandparent, stay-at-home mom, working away-from-home mom, divorcee, widow, retiree, college student, CEO, server and the list could go on. Whomever you are and wherever you are, I believe you landed on this blog for a reason. I hope you enjoy reading the entries and that they encourage you in your faith. May this help you lean into God's love, grace, and most definitely His mercy!


My husband and I had been trying to conceive for quite some time. We’d prayed and had recently had a consult with an IVF doctor who told us that it would be impossible for us to get pregnant without him and still difficult with him. However, by the time my first round of IVF appointments came, God had made a way for the impossible to become possible and I was already pregnant!!! I knew that motherhood would radically change my life. There were things that i expected thanks to all of my friends with children. I knew sleep would become a distant memory and that diapers would be changed constantly and that the things I never thought I could do motherhood would make me do. However, i had no idea how incredibly deep my love would be for my daughter and how God would use that love for Merci to teach me about His love for me. I knew I’d be teaching Merci about God, but from the first week of her existence she taught me about him. I’ve been saved since I was six years old, filled with the Holy Spirit at 14, called to preach at 16, and I’ve read the Bible back and forth multiple times and have sat under some powerful men and women of God. (I am not saying this to boast but rather put things in context). I was someone who really thought I knew God, but this year has taught me that I didn’t. At least not intimately as I thought I did nor did I truly grasp His love for me and His mercy. Motherhood has been the most humbling and rewarding experience.
Moments with Merci has transformed how I see the Lord and how I see myself. I have learned more about God within this last year than I have ever in my entire life. So how did we get to the blog? Well, prior to Merci’s birth I felt like the Lord was prompting me to post on social media. When Merci made her grand entrance, I was never camera ready to post a cute selfie and I didn’t have any time to look up profound inspirational quotes. As I tried to be obedient in posting In the wee hours of the morning or late at night, the only thing I had to share was my Merci Moments. these simple mother daughter interactions that the Holy Spirit used to reveal God’s love or instruction to me. I hoped that some might find encouragement in the moments. Fast forward a year later with over 30 Merci moments, and tons of testimonies of how Merci moments have encouraged others in there walk with the Lord, here we are. I’ve never blogged before or been much of a blog reader prior to becoming a mom. (Now I read way too many blogs). This is not something I wanted to do, but this is something I was called to do. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, I am so honored to share some of these moments with you.

My husband and I had been trying to conceive for quite some time. We’d prayed and had recently had a consult with an IVF doctor who told us that it would be impossible for us to get pregnant without him and still difficult with him. However, by the time my first round of IVF appointments came, God had made a way for the impossible to become possible and I was already pregnant!!! I knew that motherhood would radically change my life. There were things that i expected thanks to all of my friends with children. I knew sleep would become a distant memory and that diapers would be changed constantly and that the things I never thought I could do motherhood would make me do. However, i had no idea how incredibly deep my love would be for my daughter and how God would use that love for Merci to teach me about His love for me. I knew I’d be teaching Merci about God, but from the first week of her existence she taught me about him. I’ve been saved since I was six years old, filled with the Holy Spirit at 14, called to preach at 16, and I’ve read the Bible back and forth multiple times and have sat under some powerful men and women of God. (I am not saying this to boast but rather put things in context). I was someone who really thought I knew God, but this year has taught me that I didn’t. At least not intimately as I thought I did nor did I truly grasp His love for me and His mercy. Motherhood has been the most humbling and rewarding experience.
Moments with Merci has transformed how I see the Lord and how I see myself. I have learned more about God within this last year than I have ever in my entire life. So how did we get to the blog? Well, prior to Merci’s birth I felt like the Lord was prompting me to post on social media. When Merci made her grand entrance, I was never camera ready to post a cute selfie and I didn’t have any time to look up profound inspirational quotes. As I tried to be obedient in posting In the wee hours of the morning or late at night, the only thing I had to share was my Merci Moments. these simple mother daughter interactions that the Holy Spirit used to reveal God’s love or instruction to me. I hoped that some might find encouragement in the moments. Fast forward a year later with over 30 Merci moments, and tons of testimonies of how Merci moments have encouraged others in there walk with the Lord, here we are. I’ve never blogged before or been much of a blog reader prior to becoming a mom. (Now I read way too many blogs). This is not something I wanted to do, but this is something I was called to do. Thank you for taking the time to stop by, I am so honored to share some of these moments with you.